That Parent…

Have you ever been that parent? You know, the topic of conversation (ahem, gossip) in the teacher’s break room? 

To be a fly on the classroom wall when the kindergartner filled out his Weekend Update recently.  I can usually make out what he is trying to write easily enough:

I we nt mi uncle hos. (I went to my uncle’s house.)

I ab my with g mac. (I played with grandma.)

I play vii my. (I played with my…? Don’t leave me hanging, man!)

I made beer. (I made beer.)

Wait, what?

Traced over by his teacher. Clear as day. Not a misspelling or any need for interpretation. Um.

Version 2.0’s scandalous Weekend Update

Enter: the gossip of the teacher’s break room. 

I’m pretty sure it went down like this: my son dictated this to his teacher – in all its glorious detail – who then wrote it in highlighter so he could trace it afterwards. This perfection of a masterpiece was so important for my son to get right, that instead of risk spelling something incorrectly (see examples above), he had his teacher spell this out for him so he could trace it flawlessly (I mean really, even the ‘b’ is pointing in the right direction!).

Those Dubowsky’s. Really? Yup.

That parent. Or should I say those parents. That’s us. We made beer. We meaning all of us; it was a family affair. Brewed, bottled, and labeled (yes, labeled!). No, I don’t know what that brown scoop is, but yes, it was raining. Yes, we had a production line. Yes, I’d say that we are now the talk of the school.

I didn’t, of course, think it was going to make the Weekend Update, but as entertaining (and slightly embarrassing?) as it was, I’m pretty sure that this the first of many for Version 2.0…he’s always keeping us on our toes. Sigh.