One Sitting

It helps when your flight is delayed to have a great book to read…

I got through this book in one sitting. I usually don’t write book reviews, but I think I’m going to start. I’ve had the pleasure of being in a book club this year and as a result, have been held accountable for reading books on the regular. Well, accountable because there is no way I am going to miss the wine and cheese parties we have each month where we (usually) discuss the books! I’m no idiot.

Anyway, The Couple Next Door is a really great, fast, psychological thriller. Even though I could anticipate a lot of the twists and turns, it still kept me on my seat, eager to continue reading. I mean heck, I did finish it in one sitting…when I very well could have taken a much-needed nap on the plane. I think it covers pretty much all of the juicy topics (or at least what I consider to be juicy): parenting; relationships; lies; deceit; love; hate; money; infidelity; expectations. Even though some of the decisions that are made in the book seem absolutely outrageous, you can actually rationalize many of the situations and defend them. I highly recommend this book, so much so, that I might suggest it as our next book club book.

Tomorrow I’ll be flying home. I’d prefer if my flight wasn’t delayed this time around, because I’d really like to see the Husband, and Versions 1.0 and 2.0. But…if it happens to be slightly delayed? At least I had the foresight to pack a second book…