‘Nuff Said

Version 1.0 (through tears): “I hate being sick.”

Me: “Why?”

Version 1.0 (barely able to get it out before breaking down into sobs): “Because it is a waste of a day – nothing gets done.”

Me: “V1, you are my Project Manager, let’s be honest here – what did you really think you were going to do today, anyway?”

Version 1.0 (cracking the tiniest of smiles, in an almost inaudible whisper): “Nothing.”

Me: “I mean really, if I had a list of 25 things that needed to be done today, how many would you have helped me with?”

Version 1.0: (in a quiet voice) “One.”

Mic drop.

‘Nuff said.

I am not growing medicinal marijuana…in case there was concern…