Veg for a Day…

5:30 a.m., the alarm goes off, and I wake up to this:

Glad I didn’t get this text before I went to bed, because then my dreams would have been hijacked with flashbacks to last year’s Ragnar Trail run in Wawayanda, NJ. It’s t-minus two days until we run another Ragnar Trail run, this time in Mt. Ascutney, VT, and until yesterday, the weather was supposed to be beautiful. I’ve run a few Ragnars before – and I absolutely LOVE them – but if this is anything like last year’s trail run in Wawayanda, where it rained.for.days, then I’m out. I’ll run in anything, but there is a whole new level of misery associated with the poundage of mud that results from thousands of runners frolicking in the rain…

Sigh. But, because I got that text message after a great night of sleep I thought nothing of it, as if oblivion can change the weather, and I went out for a nice run.

But anyway, I digress.

I went vegetarian…for a day – ha! (WOW, complete change of subject that not even a new paragraph can prepare you for!) It wasn’t about sustainability, or animal rights, or anything like that, but merely an effort to try and switch up my diet a bit. I’m going to try and go veg once a week – which is essentially saying I am going to try and meal plan one in every seven days, haha – and see if I like it. If I can organize 1/7th of my life – even if it’s only the meals in that 1/7th – I’ll consider that a win.

So, here’s what I had:


Scrambled eggs in butter, salt and pepper added afterwards, toast with homemade strawberry rhubarb jam (amaze-balls!), and some fresh strawberries on the side. A little bit of overkill with the strawberries, but meh, you do what you can when those normally would have been breakfast sausage or bacon…

Oh yeah, and of course:

Coffeeeeeeee! I can smell the coffee just looking at this beautiful picture.

Speaking of coffee, I should write an Ode to Coffee some day. I love me some coffee. I’ve quit coffee a couple of times in my life (when I was pregnant, namely), and during that time I would drink decaf instead. But I always found my way back to regular. Because really, who drinks decaf as a ritual? Which is what coffee is for me…

By the way, that montage of coffee is not me preparing 6 different cups for myself (I am not my mother-in-law), but merely my artsy attempt at using Burst on the iPhone. Two-cups-a-day is my max, although I don’t need the second. But like I said, it’s a ritual, and I love everything about it. Hence, my artwork above.


Big spring mix salad with blue cheese (clearly, a LOT of blue cheese), pecans, dried raisins, craisins, and blueberries, and oil and balsamic. Oh yeah, and a side (or 2?) of chips.


Hodge-podge mix of leftover pastas I cooked up – we’ve got some farfalle, gemelli, and pipettes in there, tossed in pesto with some Parmesan cheese. Wouldn’t it have been convenient if each of those pastas had the same cook time? Well, they didn’t. Sigh. Carrots and a cheese stick on the side.


…spelled with two s‘s, because you always want more of dessert…

Chocolate chip pecan cookie, brought home for me by the Husband. I didn’t get to all four of those kisses, because said Husband took them, but I’ll give him a pass given the amazing-ness of the cookie. My heart.

So that’s a wrap! Overall, pretty easy. But could I do a day of Vegan? That might be pushing it…