The 55-Recorder Salute

How many recorders is too many? I might argue one.

But 55?

Um, yes. Way.too.many.

In order to protect those children wanting to run for political office in the future, this is audio and not video – all faces have been blurred out, and any personally identifiable information has been redacted. (Okay, not really. I only recorded audio out of necessity – any video attempts would have resulted in way too shaky of an image, given I was doubled-over in hysterics trying not to laugh throughout the performance…)

And just when you think it’s done at 0:25, nope, you get an encore. For another 0:25 seconds.

In all honesty, the kids did great – and I am super proud of Version 1.0 who has really taken to the recorder this year (lucky us!).

Just think, V2.0, you too, can aspire to be one of 50+ recorders on stage in two years. In the meantime, you’ll have to sit back and happily sing ‘It’s Raining Tacos‘ with a taco shell crown on your head…