On Being Enough
I’m not even sure if it’s about the pursuit of perfection, or simply just the pursuit of … enough. Being enough. Mattering (is that even a word?). I mean, let’s take this blog, for example, or more specifically, this post.
- I love to write.
- Writing makes me happy.
- Writing helps me process things.
- I ❤ writing.
- Writing … soothes me.
But will my words ever be enough to publish? Will I ever be satisfied enough to be confident in hitting the Publish button?

Realistically, no. I become paralyzed in perfection. Does what I just wrote read right? Is it too wordy? Is it not enough? Is it worth publishing? Does it even matter? Do I even matter?
Truth is, none of it matters. Or maybe I shouldn’t say that. It does matter. To me. I find a lot of comfort in writing and I have a lot to say. But I need to stop worrying about being enough. What a terrible word, filled with disappointment, regret, and defeat. I really need to get out of my own way in this.
I am my biggest critic, but shouldn’t I be my biggest champion? I lost that somewhere, focusing on the insignificant and losing sight of the big picture. And that big picture? It’s my love of writing. Writing provides me an outlet, a judgment-free zone, and it comforts me; I’m hoping that eventually, it will provide me with a career, if we’re talking dreams and all. So screw perfection, I’m going to make 2025 my blog bitch, with short posts, imperfect posts, barely-reviewed posts, long posts, posts with grammatical errors in them, posts that I know are not perfect, but that I know make my heart happy. I’ll embrace the imperfect, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll find some other perfect along the way.

On Being Perfectly Imperfect
In my quest to conquer the very real fear of my posts not being enough – not funny enough, not witty enough, not sarcastic enough, … or not real enough – I’m going to publish with reckless abandon in 2025. If you find grammatical errors in them, if they don’t flow well, if something seems ‘off’ or out of place, please kindly refrain from telling me. Sure, I get that I’m publishing to the public through this forum, but posting on my blog seems to hold more weight than the continual emails I write to myself. So I’m asking for the grace to let me be perfectly imperfect. Because I’d rather take the chance and put it out there – imperfections and all – than not put it out there at all.
So here’s to 2025, where I’m embracing being enough through being perfectly imperfect. 💜