Let the Madness Begin!

Life with Dubowsky Bracketology

It’s a family bracket. 10 of us, the majority being less than 4 feet tall. But it’s for fun – I mean, check out some of the picks from Version 2.0 (no offense to anyone in this Final Four…or Elite Eight or Sweet Sixteen, for that matter, haha):

If it looks and smells like a sabotage by V 1.0…it likely is.

I am convinced, that when I asked Version 1.0 to help 2.0 fill out his brackets because I had to walk the dog, that she encouraged this nonsense. I mean, it is a competition (so can I blame her?), but at least make it a little more believable? C’mon, 1.0!

Speaking of V1.0, her pick of UNC winning it all is a pretty good one (well, better than FDU, for goodness sake). But I had to laugh at the following exchange last night:

  • (Me, on the phone with Grandma): “Grandma, Version 1.0 picked UNC to win it all!”
  • (V1.0, in the background and very combative): “No I didn’t – I picked North Carolina!”

Maybe she didn’t sabotage her little brother? Hmm.

Here’s What’s At Stake

This is a competition and all, so here’s what’s at stake:

Photo courtesy of my mom – the true winner in all of this because she has had this beauty for almost 20 years…

The brother and I swoon over this piece of art, that once hung in our grandparent’s house over their (fake?) mantel. Nostalgia? Perhaps. Confusion? More likely.

I mean, there are so many more questions than answers in this picture:

  • Are the stag and dog playing or fighting?
  • Is that blood or saliva (#rabidstag) dripping from the stag’s mouth?
  • Why is there so much grass growing in the water…or are they even in water?
  • Is the stag wearing an infinity scarf or is that some sort of hairy-neck/beard gone wrong?
  • The sky…so Ten Commandments-esque…
  • Is that real gold on the frame?
  • Who was the artist and why aren’t they a household name?

As it stands now, to avoid conflict, the Stag vs. Dog picture is supposed to split time between the brother and myself. 6-months with him; 6-months with me. But this March Madness may gain someone an extra month. So 7-months out of the year with that beauty. No wonder we’re all in a frenzy to get our brackets in…the stakes are high.

Let the Madness begin!

PS – my money is on Grandma as the sleeper in all of this, who is, incidentally, one of the few in our group who is over 4 ft tall in case anyone was wondering.