January is for Lovers

…or maybe it’s Virginia is for Lovers? Who knows…

All I know is that it is yet another year, and in fact, another decade. A new decade calls for big things, right? Especially because this decade (but I should note, not this year), I’ll be turning the big 4-0. A milestone like that deserves a years-long build up, no?


New Year. New Decade. New Resolution. Or in this case, resolutions, with an s.

Here’s how I am approaching my resolution(s) for 2020:

Each month I’ll add something new to my routine – no restrictions or depriving myself of anything over here in Dubowsky-land. Sure, I’d love to create a blanket resolution for 2020 of say, reading more, working out more, or spending time everyday (attempting to) play the piano. All of those things bring me tremendous joy, but they aren’t necessarily quantifiable in the way that I’m looking for a resolution to be (which is likely the reason why they do bring such joy). I’m looking for new challenges each month – things slightly out of my comfort zone that I wouldn’t normally do – that I can tackle in the short-term, so that when I wrap up an old month and start a new one, I’ll be doing so with a feeling of accomplishment. And that, to me, is motivating. Give me some credit here – I understand the importance of little victories in the momentum of creating a habit. Because isn’t that what a resolution should be? A new habit?

Some months I may add to my workout routine, while others may be more focused on mental health or goal-setting. Regardless, I hope to build towards a year of overall wellness.

I don’t have all 12 months ironed out yet, but I do know how I’m going to start the year:

  • January, 2020: +40 sit-ups to my daily routine.

I know you can’t ‘spot target’ areas to work out. But I’ll tell you, my arms are jacked from all those push-ups (which incidentally, I am still doing). So 40 sit-ups for 31 days…or 1,240 sit-ups in January…that’ll give me a six-pack, right? Is it sad that I can feel you laughing through the computer right now? Sigh.

Be sure to check in to see how my January goal is going, and what February (and beyond) has in store!

Here’s to a great 2020!