And We’re Decking…

You know, decking the halls?

Our Heisman candidate photo-bombing the Nativity Scene, courtesy V2.0

Thanksgiving kicks off my favorite time of the year. Well, usually it is a few days before Thanksgiving, but who’s counting? Period. Everything about it. The music. The gatherings. The decorating… 

And the stockings were hung by the chimney…alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger

2018 is apparently the year of the garland. I didn’t realize how ridiculous I was getting with it until the husband actually said something about it. Given he is completely oblivious to the likes of Christmas decorating I was momentarily taken aback, until I realized that it was everywhere I looked. It was like as soon as he said something, it was all I could see. I guess I’ll return the 36′ strand that I was going to outline our garage with. I was imaging that I would drive up the driveway every night, and approach the garage with the lights guiding me in. Kind of like having my own crew with light sticks directing me into the garage just like pilots taxiing to the gate? I know you know what I’m talking about…

Don’t you have WWE ornaments?
Or two…
Or three?

Anyway, with the tree up, and garland wrapping (strangling?) our house in a nice cozy hug, I can now hunker down with some eggnog and read Skipping Christmas – a December tradition that I’ve had for almost 20 years at this point…

There’s still more to do (isn’t there always?), but what a start to the 2018 holiday season.