Imagine the following:
Your driveway is wide enough for two cars, and you’ve parked along the right side, a car-length from the garage and a few inches from a small brick retaining wall that outlines a flower bed. Makes sense, given that the left side is where one of the other cars usually parks. You know. We all have our sides of the driveway. Just like we have our sides of the bed, our sides of the garage. Etc.
Anyway, I sent the husband out to play basketball with Version 2.0 yesterday.
Our driveway is on a slope, so when the ball kicks off the rim at a certain angle, it’s a sprint down the driveway to stop the ball before it goes into the road. Of course though, it’s important to note the following:
- The car – as parked in the scenario as described above – was not in the way of the basketball game;
- There would never be an errant shot by those two – both are just too good for that to happen;
- It really doesn’t matter if the ball goes down the driveway; we live on a very quiet dead end street;
- It’s the principle of having to chase the ball down (or so I was told);
- Did I mention that the car was not in the way of the basketball game?
Anyway. Regardless of numbers 1 and 5 in the aforementioned list, the husband had the genius idea to move the car so that it would be horizontal across the driveway. That way, on the off chance that there was a bad shot (but again, that would never happen), the car would stop the ball from rolling down the driveway. Makes sense, right?
Anyway. He comes in for keys and I think nothing of it….until I hear the scraping of metal on brick. I don’t hear any screams, so I don’t rush outside. But I do close my eyes for a second, take a deep breath, and brace myself for what I’m about to see.
I walk outside and the car is now on the left side of the driveway, about two car-lengths from where it was 4-minutes ago. It is important to note that it is not horizontal. But that is besides the point.
With my hands on my hips, I look at the husband, who is playing basketball as if nothing has happened.
Apparently, he cranked the wheel too hard (you think?).
And he forgot the brick wall was there (really?).
In the game of Honda Civic vs. brick retaining wall, the brick retaining wall wins again.

Dear Husband,
This is why you drive this car. You will never drive the nice car.
I love you.