New Jersey is known for a lot of things. Snow-readiness is not one of them. We do try (insert fake laugh), although our three-pronged approach over here in the Garden State is almost comical:
1. Soak the roads with a pickle juice up to 48 hours before an impending storm (I only wish I was kidding). Sometimes, the tell-tale white parallel lines catch me off guard myself. Who knew we were expecting snow in two days? Best to get the pickle juice down as early as possible so you can prepare for Step 2.

2. Do nothing for the entire duration of the storm. You pickle-juiced two days ago, right? Do not try to get ahead of it. Let the snow fall until it’s done. Then wait a few hours after that to let the pickle juice do its magic. If, by then, the snow hasn’t melted, send out the plows.
3. Declare a State of Emergency. It’s March 1st over here. The past few weeks NJ has declared not one, but two states of emergency. I repeat, two states of emergency. Overreaction at all? You be the judge.