We would only be so lucky…

I’m pretty sure this had the opposite effect of drowsiness. I even requested – and was prescribed – a post-operative sedative for RJ, knowing full well that keeping him calm for a week would be nearly impossible. I should have asked for a sedative for myself.
You see, RJ got neutered last week.

I thought maybe, that even though it’s a relatively minor procedure, RJ would be sedate for a few days. Losing his manhood and all. In my head I was picturing Eeyore kind of moping around.

Well…maybe there is a similarity.
If I just added a bow to RJ’s tail…

But I digress.
In fact, I got the 100% opposite of sedate. I mean, I should have seen it coming. When we went to pick him up our vet kept gushing about what a happy, wonderful dog RJ is. And that RJ even woke up from anesthesia with his tail wagging! Yay! I think?
The vet also proceeded to recommend that we keep RJ calm, with no roughhousing, for 7 to 10 days. (Record scratch.) Wait, what? When the vet told us that, the kids and I just looked at each other. Doesn’t the vet know who the Husband is?
Night 1 was easy. And by easy I mean that RJ slept the rest of the afternoon and evening. It was so nice, that I even started thinking to myself how – without needing to take time during the day to exercise and walk him – I could get laundry done, clean the house, do a few small projects…
Aww, Mom, what’d you do to me? The only poodle part you’ll find on me – my shaved leg. I can’t even will myself to move…
Wishful thinking. Because the next day, and all days since, have been wild. Wild meaning, nothing can quell his energy levels. There was no ‘may cause drowsiness’ with his meds. And the additional prescribed sedative? Didn’t work either. In fact, on day two I remember thinking to myself is this guy in pain at all? Doesn’t he know to take it easy? Answer: no.

We gave up on Day 3, the weekend. Try as we might, we did our best to only take long walks with him, but all he wanted to do was play. We finally gave in – and played. No roughhousing for 7-10 days? We made it 3. Before we packed up the kids, got the dog in the car, and went to the park.

Sigh. I mean, we check his stitches regularly. Nothing seems out of the ordinary, and I’d like to think that if something wasn’t right RJ would calm down…but I know better than that.
So here’s to the 3 days – or more like 3 hours – of calm that we got in the Dubowsky household last week.