5:30 a.m., the alarm goes off, and I wake up to this:

Glad I didn’t get this text before I went to bed, because then my dreams would have been hijacked with flashbacks to last year’s Ragnar Trail run in Wawayanda, NJ. It’s t-minus two days until we run another Ragnar Trail run, this time in Mt. Ascutney, VT, and until yesterday, the weather was supposed to be beautiful. I’ve run a few Ragnars before – and I absolutely LOVE them – but if this is anything like last year’s trail run in Wawayanda, where it rained.for.days, then I’m out. I’ll run in anything, but there is a whole new level of misery associated with the poundage of mud that results from thousands of runners frolicking in the rain…
Sigh. But, because I got that text message after a great night of sleep I thought nothing of it, as if oblivion can change the weather, and I went out for a nice run.
But anyway, I digress.
I went vegetarian…for a day – ha! (WOW, complete change of subject that not even a new paragraph can prepare you for!) It wasn’t about sustainability, or animal rights, or anything like that, but merely an effort to try and switch up my diet a bit. I’m going to try and go veg once a week – which is essentially saying I am going to try and meal plan one in every seven days, haha – and see if I like it. If I can organize 1/7th of my life – even if it’s only the meals in that 1/7th – I’ll consider that a win.
So, here’s what I had:

Oh yeah, and of course:

Speaking of coffee, I should write an Ode to Coffee some day. I love me some coffee. I’ve quit coffee a couple of times in my life (when I was pregnant, namely), and during that time I would drink decaf instead. But I always found my way back to regular. Because really, who drinks decaf as a ritual? Which is what coffee is for me…
By the way, that montage of coffee is not me preparing 6 different cups for myself (I am not my mother-in-law), but merely my artsy attempt at using Burst on the iPhone. Two-cups-a-day is my max, although I don’t need the second. But like I said, it’s a ritual, and I love everything about it. Hence, my artwork above.


…spelled with two s‘s, because you always want more of dessert…

So that’s a wrap! Overall, pretty easy. But could I do a day of Vegan? That might be pushing it…