
I’ll leave you with this, and then let you get back to work. I really thought I could have been something for you. And maybe that was because you were my everything? Maybe I thought I could have been a sliver of what you were to me? I know though, that I was never enough – you told me that repeatedly and I questioned my worth daily because of it – but I thought I could have been … something.

And that was that.

44 years old and still chasing the dream of writing. I always thought it would be the story of my (sarcastic) life, told through my lens. I mean, right on my About page you can pretty much sum up my approach: “…if your own story doesn’t bring you to tears, it’s not worth telling. Tears of joy or tears of frustration, we’ve all got a story to share …”

I’m starting to think though, my story isn’t so much about my own, “wonderfully sarcastic, messy, amazing” life. I’ve got a few other ideas up there in my big ‘ole brain about where I can take my writing. And the idea has actually been in the back of my mind for quite a while now. We’ll see where it takes me, and maybe I’ll share some chapters here and there, in between my random 1804 musings, who knows?

Perhaps the Prologue should be the Epilogue?