Moist? Anyone, anyone?

In “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” remember when the teacher keeps saying, “Bueller? Bueller?”

That’s how I feel when I hear the word, “Moist.” Like, “Anyone, anyone?”



(Anyone, anyone?)

There is NOT a single acceptable time when the word, ‘Moist,’ is ever called for.


Let me back up a second. All I wanted to do tonight was get a blog post out. I need to be doing the blogging thing more than I am. It’s like running; blogging is like therapy for me. I have a few posts in the hopper, half-started / half-finished, and I was contemplating which one to try and work on. Or if something was going to take me in a different direction.

And then?

This happened:

It all started out so innocently. Just some late-night texting with a friend, when she used the word, ‘moist.’ And then all hell broke loose. I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. Literally couldn’t breathe, tears, streaming down my face.

And it was awesome.

This was not how my blogging was supposed to go tonight. But sometimes that is the best, right? The unplanned?

The word, “Moist.” It got me good tonight.

We have all done it; laughed until we cried (or I certainly hope so, anyway). And usually, over something that is so stupid, and so hard to explain to anyone else. A, you-had-to-be-there moment. Although sometimes, even if you were there, there’s no making sense of an inside joke for one. But we all need it every once in a while. And that was my tonight.

I’m going to bookmark this post and come back to it when I need a little pick-me-up. I’m sitting here shaking my head, still laughing. My abs are gonna be crushed tomorrow.

But as an aside, she did get me with this one; perhaps the only (?) acceptable use of the word?

Fresh nap?!? 🤣 That’s a whole other post headed your way…