(no subject)

Is there another word for resurrection that doesn’t sound so, I don’t know, preachy? All the similar words seem kind of suck-y, if you ask me:

Resuscitation? Um, no. Rebirth? Eww, gross. I guess, given the choices, I’ll go with revivification. Perfect. Let’s call this foray back into the blogging world my revivification. Atta boy, Webster, thanks for helping a sister out with that bad a$$ synonym. I’m back!

Hopefully this time for good.

I think I’ve realized in the past few years that what blogging gave me – what I really miss – has been an emotional outlet. Sarcastic as I’ve been, in between the lines there has always been a story, and this emotionless void over here (me!) still needs a cover, because if she cracks, she’ll break. And I’m just not ready for that. Not yet.

I can recognize that for too long I’ve let the unimportant things take precedence in my life (work), while taking the important things for granted (family and friends). Shame on me. Priorities. I’ve always said the toughest decisions are the easiest. It’s about time I’ve finally looked in the mirror over here.

So what have I been up to? Details will come, I’m sure, as I get back into this whole blogging thing. But know that all is well. Really well (<– is that even grammatically correct?). The Husband retired earlier this year. From the outside I’m sure people will look and ask, “Retired?” Yes, retired. 41 and done. In retrospect though, I really don’t know how the family survived when I look back on the past decade. Each and every one of us sold a little bit of our souls during this time. Those years, those chaotic years, we will never get them back; we will never fix the scars we all have – they are scars, after all – but here we are on the other side. With a new opportunity. And the chance to right some wrongs.

Speaking of, Version 1.0: The Husband went to every single one of her track meets this past Spring. She’s actually a pretty good sprinter! But not as good as she is a wrestler (more to come on that). And Version 2.0? He is his father’s shadow – The Husband can do no wrong in his eyes. Wrestling, golf, schoolwork, Scouts – V2.0 never comes to me, it’s always The Husband. Which truly is fine. But every once in a while, sometimes, just sometimes, I get a little jealous being in the background. Until I remember that in the background is where I’m most comfortable.

And as for me? I’m also back blogging as a bit of a bet, I guess. But it’s the kick in the pants I really need. (Thank you, AT!). If I lose the bet, I’ll be running an extra 6 (!) flights of stairs during our Thursday workout:

But if I win?

Well, I’ve already won.

Because I’m here. I’ve posted. And I’m back.